As a non-profit organization, every donation helps allow us to continue to provide valuable services to individuals with special needs. Donate and see the difference a simple donation can make.

Achieving our ambitious goals requires rigorous evaluations of our supports. It encourages Inclusive Links to be more transparent, strategic, and systematic in deciding what to and how to evaluate outcomes.

Inclusive Links continued evaluations help us answer questions about what actions work best to achieve outcomes?

How and why they are not achieved? 

What needs to be adjusted to improve execution? 

We aim to integrate evaluation into the fabric of our work, achieve early alignment with our families about what we are evaluating, and generate evidence that is useful to us.

We require our professionals to report all the activities and in some cases, focus on measuring the critical metrics of progress that support person-centered planning and outcome.

Our internal policy document that is program-specific is a starting point of a larger effort to make high-quality evaluation an integral part of how we operate and carry out our work.

​​We strive for the kinds of changes that help people with disabilities live more fulfilling, healthier, inclusive, productive life.

We seek to understand their challenges and levels of needs.

We work with each family in what they want to accomplish and where our services can have the greatest impact. 

Once we commit to an area of need, we define our person-centered goals, and we work with the family on a clear path to achieving them.

We strive to engage the individuals we serve in a spirit of trust, candid communication, and transparency.

Mission-Driven to Meet the Needs of Individuals with Special Needs

Inclusive Links believes that for families and caregivers of individuals with special needs, intensive support services should be of high importance. This is where we come in, through a continuum of integrated community based services in Respite Care that provides greater optimism about caring for your loved one.
Evaluation Design
Measuring Results
Purpose of Our Evaluation Policy

Working in the Field

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A Service Link For You and Your Family

​​We avoid a one size fits all approach to evaluation because we want our evaluation efforts to be designed for a specific purpose and specific individual needs. 

Our evaluation designs allow us to:

  •  A range of methods including qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, retrospective, experimentation, and theory-based evaluations, and system-based approaches

  • It requires our teams, outside evaluations, to be rigorous about the inferences they make and explicit about the assumptions they use to conclude.

  • It requires our team and partners to consider evaluation evidence, in the context of action, so evaluation efforts produce findings that can be acted on rather than information that can be merely nice to know.