The Five Links 

We provide effective measures to resolutely honor a commitment to develop, promote, and provide valued outcomes that meet the changing needs of people with disabilities.

Here, each individual is encouraged and supported to follow their own individual path. The individual is the focus of our attention-- define, accomplish, and seize who you are and what you want with our support.

We devote to lessen barriers, as a result of disability, in achieving personal goals for each and every individual. Each individual has access to any resources that our community has to offer, and each individual is valued as an equally contributing member to the overarching community. 


Our Mission 

Regardless of background, ability, personal prowess, disability, each individual is allowed to grow, establish their agency, and actively participate in choosing the best options for them at Inclusive Links. 

About Us

We aspire to be the lead resource agency for people with disabilities, based on the fundamental principle of ensuring an inclusive environment. The everlasting pursuit for inclusivity cornerstones and fuels all our activities, programs, daily operations, and communications. We are about experiential experiences. Learn with us!

Our Vision 

Dissolving the Barrier 

Self Determination

Dignity and Respect

We harbor upon 5 core linking values: Inclusivity, Dissolving the Barrier, Self Determination, Dignity and Respect, Community and Family. All of these values come together in our space of progress and warmth to create the best quality of life for all those we provide for. 

Inclusive Links is a nonprofit corporation that provides respite care and Medicaid service coordination for individuals with developmental disabilities.

It takes a team of dedicated individuals to make sure our services are reaching out to every family in our community and we are fortunate to have some of the best caregivers dedicating their time, energy, and expertise to our link.

Community and Family

At Inclusive Links we do not tolerate ignorance or bigotry; everyone is treated with dignity and respect to create the inclusive and productive community we facilitate. 

A Service Link For You and Your Family 

Our Values 

Overall, we are a family for your family. Our employees are thoroughly trained, and they provide a human warmth similar to that of a family member. Our community building events ensure that you can always find a friendly face, too! 

A Service Link For You and Your Family